
InnolandBio顺利完成收购CrownBio CVMD业务,CEO 董增军强调 “再启航,更专注,服务客户初心不变”

药源新地 药时代 2021-12-13






在InnolandBio,您会尊享与CrownBio合作时一样的客户至上体验。首席执行官董增军强调:“我们知道必须赢得您的信任,以满足您的研究需求,我们将从新公司第一天起就展现出这种初心。” 前CrownBio CVMD高级副总裁,现InnolandBio执行副总裁/首席科学官汪亦欣和前CrownBio CVMD 高级总监,现InnolandBio副总裁宋伟华均明确表示:“研究项目将由相同研究主任、相同的技术团队,基于相同的协议,用相同的动物模型,在相同的设施内进行。”




宋伟华 博士


+86 173 9195 8582



汪亦欣 博士


+86 139 1579 0818

+1 925 324 6861






InnolandBio 药源新地





曾任全球华人商业精英领袖组织百华协会(BayHelix)副主席董事和美中生物医药协会(SABPA)理事。MIT 上海校友董事会主席,北京协和医学院海外校友会董事。

他获得了美国麻省理工学院MBA ,塔夫茨大学弗莱彻法律外交学院硕士,以及中国协和医科大学(现北京协和医学院-清华大学医学部)医学硕士学位。

汪亦欣 博士


毕业于复旦大学上海医学院, 赴美20余年, 先后在Boston大学从事博士后研究,University of Tennessee at Memphis 任Assistant Professor 从事教学研究,就职于几个欧美跨国制药公司,GlaxoSminthKline (英国),Roche(瑞士),Berlex/Schering/Bayer (德国), 任科学家 (Scientist),资深 (Senior)科学家,首席(Principle)科学家, 并参与管理层(任Director)。

在心血管生理和药理学研究领域取得重要成就,在国际重要科学刊物上发表100多篇学术论文、综述和专著, 并应邀在国际重要科学大会上报告科学成果90余次。为9项重要国际专利发明者。参与创建了一个生物医药公司 (Arete Therapeutics Inc),将一个创新化合物从临床前期,推进到临床 I 期,最后完成临床 II 期实验。期间积累了创业(组建公司),融资(共5,100万美元),管理和研发经验。

2010 回国加入中美冠科任副总裁,负责心血管和代谢病新药研发,建立平台,组建团队, 引进客户。

宋伟华 博士





InnolandBio completed acquisition of CrownBio’s CVMD business smoothly, CEO Jay Dong emphasizing same motivation to serve customers/partners with more focus

March 30, 2021

Innoland Biosciences, Co. Ltd (InnolandBio) and Crown Bioscience (CrownBio) have reached an agreement for acquisition of CrownBio’s Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease (CVMD) business.

Co-founded and led by industry veterans with a proven track record of global success, InnolandBio aspires to become a SPECIALIZED global leader and partner in the preclinical evaluation of drug safety and efficacy, specialized in disease areas such as cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.

Same Team, More Focus.

As part of the agreement, all staff, assets, patents, animal models, and capabilities based at CrownBio’s Taicang facility were immediately transferred to InnolandBio, minimizing disruption to our clients.

At InnolandBio, you can expect the same customer focused experience that you had at CrownBio. Jay Dong, CEO of InnolandBio emphasized that “We know that we have to earn your trust to deliver your research needs, we will demonstrate such commitment from day one”, Dr. Yixin (Jim) Wang, former SVP of CrownBio CVMD and now EVP/CSO of InnolandBio and Dr. Weihua Song, former Sr. Director of CrownBio CVMD and now VP of InnolandBio both expressed specifically that “our service will be delivered in the same quality as before, by the same study director and the same technical team, with the same animal models, under the same protocol, at the same facility.”

How does this affect you, our valued customer? 

For those customers with studies signed up by CrownBio, completed or still ongoing by March 31st, 2021, CrownBio will remain to be responsible for all post study commitments, including all contractual archiving obligations.

For customers with studies scheduled to initiate after April 1st, 2021, full responsibility for study delivery will be transferred to InnolandBio. 

For these ongoing studies, we reiterate there will be no change in the customer experience: your studies will be delivered by the same study director, the same technical team, under the same protocol, with the same animal models, at the same facility, most importantly, with the same quality.


Our teams are here. If you have any questions or concerns please contact:

Weihua Song, PhD 

Tel: +86 173 9195 8582

Email: weihua.song@innolandbio.com 

Yixin (Jim) Wang, MD 

Tel: +86 139 1579 0818

       +1 925 324 6861 

Email: yixin.jim.wang@innolandbio.com



Finally, thank you again for your trust in CrownBio and in InnolandBio. We hope to have the opportunity to partner with you from now on.

Innoland Biosciences Co. Ltd 


About Management Team

Jay Dong


He started his career as a  R&D scientist at Tufts University Medical Center and Millennium Pharmaceuticals, then marched on to marketing, commercialization, business management with US Fortune 500 Becton Dickinson Biosciences in the US and in Singapore, and as the founding General Manager of  China & Asia Pacific and Global VP of CST in China. Investment Partner at KP Healthcare Investment. Guest Professor at Wuhan University Medical Institute.

His voluntary social responsibilities included board member on a list of non-profit organizations such as BayHelix Group,  Sino American Biomedical and Pharmaceuticals Association (SABPA). Board President of MIT Club of Shanghai.

Jay earned an M.B.A from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), M.A. Tufts University Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and Master of Medicine degree from Peking Union Medical College (Tsinghua University Faculty of Medicine) .

Yixin (Jim) Wang, MD


Dr. Wang graduated from Fudan University Shanghai Medical College, started his career as a postdoctoral researcher in Boston University, later as an assistant professor in University of Tennessee at Memphis.  He has since worked in several major pharmas (GSK, Roche, Schering/Bayer AG: Senior Scientist: Hoffmann-La Roche; Principle Scientist: Berlex/Schering AG/Bayer AG) ; and a startup biotech (Arete, Director of Pharmacology) for more than 20 years.

He had been with CrownBio for over 10 years as SVP, Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease Research.  In his career in cardiovascular and metabolic research area, he has published over 100 peer-reviewed research articles, invited reviewers, book chapters, patent applications, etc.

Weihua Song, PhD


Dr. Song started his career as Research Associate at Imperial College London and National Heart and Lung Institute, UK. He was then awarded Wellcome Trust Research Fellow. Dr. Song moved to Singapore in 2013 and worked as a Senior Research Fellow at LKC School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University. He then worked as Senior Scientist and Deputy Director of Core Animal Models Center at National Heart Center Singapore, Duke-National University of Singapore Graduate Medical School.  In 2019. He joined CrownBio as Senior Director in the CVMD department.

Dr. Song has decades of experience in scientific research, and he is specialized in cardiovascular and renal physiology, molecular and cell biology, and pharmacology research.  He has been involved in research in heart failure, cardiomyopathies, kidney disease, atherosclerosis, dyslipidemia and diabetic vascular complications etc. using sophisticated surgery and chemical-induced animal models, iPSC derived cardiomyocytes, echocardiography, conductance catheter etc.   Dr. Song has published more than 40 important research works in book chapter and top journals such as Cell Stem Cell, Nature Protocol, Circulation: Heart Failure, etc.  In CrownBio, Dr Song had led and overseen over 50 external studies in the area of CVMD for clients including top global pharmaceutical companies.

Dr. Song obtained B.Sc. from Shenyang Pharmaceutical University and Ph.D. from University of Manchester, UK.



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